So you are looking for an online roulette strategy to make your game more enjoyable?

The best online roulette strategy is to research about the game so you are one step closer to hitting your mark.

Congratulation on reading our online roulette strategy, before we give you complex and technical tips we’ll show you some basic ones first.

Here’s the gist of what online roulette strategy is all about.

There are 2 kind of roulette. The first type is the American online roulette and the Euro online roulette.

The difference is that Euro online roulette only has 1 ‘zero’ while the American version contain double 0 and a single 0.

Having 2 zeros means that American online roulette game gives the online roulette players lower chances of winning and the dealer or house having better odds of around 5.3 percent. The European version only gives the house a 2.7 percent edge.

So that our first best online roulette strategy tips, choose to play the European roulette rather than the American version because your odds are higher.

Most people playing this game really don’t care about the number on the wheel so you should because that will give you an edge in this game that is our second online roulette strategy tips.

There are 38 position variation in the American version compared to the 37 in Euro version. In the Euro online roulette wheel is 0 – 27 red and it falls under six black & thirteen black.

Remember the odds, again that is a good online roulette strategy tips.

In the American version of the game the wheels contain zero and double zero. The number 27 sits next to the two zeros. So what’s the online roulette strategy tips here? This means that with the knowledge of the positioning you can be a steady winner. You can now calculate how many times the house will win and how many times you can win. This is a legitimate system and is even called the Martingale System.

You can use this online roulette strategy tips when it comes to making your bet twice the value and make up the losses you have.

It’s a great tip to keep the ball playing and enjoying the game. BE sure to be observant of the board and where the wheel stops. Another great online roulette strategy tip is to bring a sheet of paper and list down the odds you are seeing if you are just beginning to get the hang of the game.

By Aldrin
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