(November 21st, 2009) In the USA roulette is long established as the number one form of online gambling for the female demographic. This has never been the case in the UK however where roulette has consistently lagged behind online bingo in the female online gambling market. Perhaps Bingo’s long established ascendency is about to be challenged though. According to research provided by gamingsupermarket.com there appears to be a surge in women players in the UK exploring a world of online gaming beyond bingo, in particular roulette.

Roulette has always been one of the major casino games. With hugely entertaining gameplay and large sums of money won instantly it has long been known to attract glitz, glamour and ladies in real casinos. However it has only now started to really assert itself on the internet stage.

David Merry, editor of liveroulette.co.uk shared his views on the subject “We all knew the bingo boom would not last forever, and although I think it is far from over I think the cracks are starting to show. Roulette provides women with the chance to win serious cash, very quickly, so it is easy to see why they would be attracted.”

“The birth of live roulette on TV has also prompted interest from women browsing through the channels and ensures that women feel they are part of something live and communal, much like they get with bingo currently.”

“Although we are relishing the increase of visitors, a lot of people do not understand that roulette is a harsher form of gambling and you can lose a lot more money a lot quicker.”

Despite the release of a number of live roulette TV channels appearing on Sky and Freeview in the UK it is unlikely that another game can ever match the populairty of bingo, however roulette certainly seems to be giving it a try.