Playing Holdem can be hard. If you are often getting annoyed at yourself for not winning at poker, and if this is costing you money, than this information is going to help you a lot. If you are making one of these worst mistakes that is the reason you are losing.

Texas Hold Em Poker Tips – 1st Worst Thing To Do

The worst thing you can do in Holdem is not learn, not practice, and just go out and think you will win. If you play like this you are going to lose a lot of money. Change your mentality.

Texas Hold Em Poker Tips – 2nd Worst Thing To Do

If you play beyond the flop without having a hand at all you are going to lose very quickly. Always have something post flop or else fold.

Texas Hold Em Poker Tips – 3rd Worst Thing To Do

When you telegraph or “tell” your hand you are setting yourself up for defeat. If your opponents can guess what you have you will be defeated. Keep your poker face.

Texas Hold Em Poker Tips – 4th Worst Thing To Do

The worst “off table” mistake players make is they don’t manage their bankroll. When you don’t have enough money to comfortably play you set yourself up for defeat before you even sit down to play.

Texas Hold Em Poker Tips – 5th Worst Thing To Do

Overvaluing a pair is a really bad thing to do. The average winning hand in Holdem is two-pair. If you are at the showdown with only a pair, or top pair, think long and hard.

Texas Hold Em Poker Tips – 6th Worst Thing To Do

Playing too many pots is another problem. This stems into often having weak cards with money in the pot. Only play when the odds are in your favour.

Texas Hold Em Poker Tips – 7th Worst Thing To Do

Playing out of position is very bad too. When you are in early positions only play if you have perfect hole cards. You can play more freely in later positions due to your advantage.

Texas Hold Em Poker Tips – 8th Worst Thing To Do

Bluffing when you don’t know how. If you don’t truly know how to bluff don’t do it. You are just betting with nothing and you will lose easily.

I’m been a bit harsh in this article but I think I am being very clear of the worst mistakes you can possibly do in Holdem. I’m sure you are now thinking of a time you may have made one of these mistakes and are becoming aware of how it probably lose you money.

You are also surely realizing that now you know these mistakes you can avoid them. Knowledge is power, information is power. So I urge you to get as much information about poker as your can, because when you learn new tips and tricks about poker you become a better poker player and will become very profitable very fast.

By Alex Poker
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Alex is an avid Texas Hold Em Poker player. Shoot him an email at