You see a table with several open positions. Which spot should you take? That’s a matter of personal preference. Is there a gorgeous man or woman playing alone at one end of the table? Which players are smoking? Which look bored? Which appear drunk or obnoxious? Pick a spot where you’ll feel the most comfortable.

I like playing on the end, immediately next to the dealer. On the end, I don’t have to worry about players on both sides of me. I don’t like playing next to the stickman because I always seem to be in the way of him reaching for the dice or maneuvering the stick. One time, the guy accidentally bopped me on my head with his stick. Of course, he was very apologetic, but that didn’t make my head feel any better.

After playing for a while, you’ll get a feel for your favorite position. You don’t have a choice when it’s crowded. If you get a lousy spot (e.g., an obnoxious guy is next to you), simply move to another open spot. If the table is full, wait until someone leaves and take their position. Be aware of a player “coloring up,” which is a sign that she’s leaving, and tell the dealer that you want to move into her position. The dealer will then hold that spot and not allow a new player to quickly step in. The dealer will politely ask the new player to move to the spot that you vacate. Obviously, when you change positions, don’t forget to take your chips.

People next to you can affect your mood and entire playing experience. They can make it fun or miserable. You might get stuck next to a chain-smoking fat guy with wicked body odor, or it might be a group of heavily drinking babes spilling out of their halter tops. So, choose your spot wisely.

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By William Enslen Jr
Bill Enslen is a reliability engineer who routinely works with statistics. Having played and analyzed craps for 25 years, he’s compiled his winning secrets in a new eBook, which you can sample at