Practice is a key factor when you want to become a perfect Blackjack player.With little practice and skill, you can master the rules of this popular game and almost everyone can do this if he/she has a good amount of intelligence and dedication.Quality books about how to play Blackjack can be used in order to improve your skills and improve all your Blackjack strategies.

Every quality Blackjack book is all about key elements that include the main basic rules of the game, how to understand the main card counting systems that allow one to win the Blackjack game and how to achieve the right winner’s attitude. This game ca be understood by reading a quality Blackjack book.

Blackjack Attack: Playing the Pros’ Way, Don Schlesinger, (2005) is a classic Blackjack book that is regarded as one of the best references when dealing with Hi-Lo card counting systems. This classic approach comes with all the necessary strategy tables that make your Blackjack basic strategy. A wide range of variations and explanations are also included in this book that approaches various Blackjack rules. Once you find yourself among the really dedicated and serious players, the classic approach provided by this book will be extremely helpful due to its highly detailed pieces of valuable information. However, you should keep in mind that this book is not to be read and used by the total beginners.

Professional Blackjack, written by Standford Wong in 1994

If you are a more advanced card counter who is already familiar with the necessary strategies, you should go for Blackjack Bluebook II – The Simplest Winning Strategies Ever Published, Fred Renzey (2006). This book comes with a really detailed explanation and exploration of all the statistics behind every card counting system. Also, it teaches you how to apply every card counting strategy. Playing 21 as a Martial Art by Arnold Snyder,(2005) presents all the basic card counting systems together with efficient alternatives to the standard card counting systems. Each of these alternatives is presented at various complexity levels in order for every player to have his playing needs met.

Knock-Out Blackjack: The Easiest Card-Counting System Ever Devised by Olaf, Ph.D. This book is aimed at all the players who want to win some real money when playing the game. Simple but really effective tricks and tips are provided together with efficient explanations that can meet the beginners’ needs.

Statistical analysis and understandable explanations concerning the card counting systems are being referred to in Million Dollar Blackjack, Ken Uston (1992), a book that is to be regarded as a really heavy read. However, if you want to know even more about Blackjack theory, you should read this quite interesting book. Blackjack Books

By Christian Reese
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