London – 15th May 2010
Bingo Concierge is an exciting and innovative new concept, with the aim of bringing the online bingo phenomena to a non-English speaking audience.
Online bingo is already an incredibly successful industry in the English-speaking world, and now Bingo Concierge is here to educate a whole new global audience about the world of bingo, translating the site across six languages, with more to be added soon. It’s a truly global portal for online bingo lovers outside of the English-speaking regions.
Based on the universally familiar ‘Hotel Lobby’ theme, visitors to the website will be greeted by two attractive members of hotel staff. Bingo Concierge won’t just list bingo sites though. It will teach how to play bingo the British and American way in all its simplistic and highly addictive beauty. It will show the rules, give tips and tricks, and provide links to all the best bingo sites.
Potential players will also find out just how much fun bingo can be, with the possibility of winning great prizes and enormous cash amounts.
Here are our 6 bingo sites in Italian, Spanish, Portugese, Swedish, French and Dutch :
Italia bingo – Español bingo – bingo Portugal -Sverige bingo -Français Bingo – Nederland bingo
The Concierge theme was chosen because hotels are synonymous with good quality and high standards. They also serve customers from anywhere in the world, regardless of their language or nationality, and help people find their way around in a foreign country.
Other attempts to bring bingo to a world-wide audience haven’t been so successful, but with it being a multi-million pound industry in the UK and America, the time is now right to launch it on millions of potential new players.
We hope you enjoy your stay.
Bingo Concierge is a truly different online bingo portal giving players the opportunity to find out about bingo sites from around the globe. Meet our two hosts Jonas from Sweden and Claudia from Brazil who are bingo lovers and have been enjoying online bingo for many years. No matter where you are, whether it’s France, Brazil or even Sweden we have found the best online bingo sites for you to choose from. Bingo is one of the most exciting games on the internet today and its popularity is growing at an amazing rate. Visit the Bingo School where you can find bingo tips, which games are available for players such as 75 ball and 90 ball and of course the most important thing which is the bingo rules.
By dspwii
For more information about Bingo Concierge and Nederland bingo,visit our site at
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