There is really no surefire strategy for playing the slot machines, however there are ways that you can improve your game play and stand a better chance of winning. The first step is reading the information posted on the slot machines. If you do not understand something ask one of the casino attendants to explain it to you. If you’re an online player then get in touch with a customer service representative and they will be happy to help you with your queries. Know what the maximum payout is and how much coins are required to get a possible shot at winning the jackpot. Remember some machines will not pay out any jackpots unless you play the maximum amount of coins. It would be a shame for you to get a winning spin only to find out that you did not play the maximum amount of coins to receive that jackpot.

Playing the slot machines is all about having fun, you want to choose a machine that will suit your pocket, look for a slot machine that you know you can afford to play the maximum amount of coins required but one that pays the highest jackpot. This is a good surefire strategy for playing the slot machines as it will allow you more game time, because your cash will last longer than if you were playing one of the higher end slot machines. Make sure and check out the various slot machines as some of them require fewer coins but offer the same jackpot payout as those that require more coins.

If you are playing in an actual casino and you find that you are just spinning and spinning that lever with no hits, then move on to another slot machine, as that slot machine might be what is known as a cold or unfriendly slot machine. Further you might want to observe which slot machines some of the regulars to the casino are playing, as they will probably know which machines are “Loose” and which are “Cold”. Loose slot machines are those slot machines that payout quite often and are considered “very user friendly” while “Cold” slot machines are those that never seem to pay out and are considered “not very user friendly”.

Probably the most important surefire strategy for playing the slot machines is to know when to call it quits. Here’s the deal, say for instance that you hit the jackpot three times in a row and have accumulated quite a small fortune, now would be a good time to walk away with your big fat pocket full of cash and a smile on your face. The point here is not to be too greedy, remember the story of “the dog and the bone”, well take heed and keep what’s in your wallet rather that going after what you might never have. On the other hand if you still feel the pull of those slot machines and just can’t resist its call, then at least be sensible and stack away a good portion of that fortune, and use the rest to satisfy your gambling urge. Hopefully these surefire strategies for playing the slot machines have been helpful, and may your pockets always be full with cash.

By Sarah H
Sarah Harrigan is a professional casino player and reviewer. For straight talking honest advice on online casino gambling be sure to visit her website for comprehensive reviews on the best online casinos and winning casino strategies.