Make money online is not so difficult as you think. Even you have no technical skills or enough money to setup your own online business, there are always some ways you can leverage to make some easy money online. Below are the top 6 methods we would like to recommend for you to make money online.

1.Make Money Online by Taking Paid Survey
Taking paid survey is one of great ways to make money online. You will be paid to express your opinions by taking survey online, participating in focus group, taking phone survey, trying new product or previewing new movies. joining focus group, or accepting phone.

If you have spare time and just want to make around $1000 per month, paid survey will be a great choice for you.

2. Make Money Online by Playing Skilled Games
If you are a skilled game player or a fans of game, you can make money with your game skills. Backgammon is the largest online skilled game in the world right now, In Online Backgammon Game – Backgammon for Money, you will see the best online backgammon game room in the world. If you are a skilled backgammon game player, don’t forget to join them and start making money from it.

3.Get Paid to Write Online
Do you know that a lot of web site would like to pay you to write online. And the great thing is that you have no need to be a very professional writer. The only thing you need is to provide the useful information to the readers of their web site, and the way to make money by writing online could be:

-Write articles and share your experience online
-Write advertise for the web site, and earn the commission online for each sales
-Write articles for a blog owner or web site, get paid for the earning from your articles
-Sell your articles online
-Help writing the articles for web master to promote their web site.
-And more

4. Forex – Make Money from Currency Exchange
Average daily international foreign exchange trading volume was $2.3 trillion, every fluctuation in the currency exchange will bring your huge opportunities to make money, (obviously, there is high risk here as well). Forex right now has been a best way to work at home, compared with all the methods listed in above, only this way can really bring you big money, and be rich.

Want to know more about how to make easy money online, please refer to Make Easy Money Online from

By Sean.Ray
Sean.Ray is an expert on online business. He has more than 10 years working experience of guiding people to create their own online business. Make Money Online is his web site where he shares the knowledge about how to start your home business and make money online.

And you can contact if you have any question about this article.